Thursday, January 19, 2012

Visit from Kate Allat

Kate Allat, who had the original prognosis of locked in syndrome following a brainstem stroke in February 2010, came to visit Andy on Tuesday. Kate fully came out of locked in syndrome and has since written a book and appeared on TV to tell her story. She has founded the charity: 'Fighting Strokes' and was able to put us in touch with another man in Perth, Pete Coghlan, and a guy from Chesterfield, Mark, who also had locked in syndrome but have made an exceptional recovery. Check out Pete walking out of rehab on Youtube; type in Pete Coghlan and visualise what it will be like when Andy walks out of rehab!!!!

Kate's visit was a very special time for Andy and gave him fresh hope. She was amazed at Andy's progress, paticularly his eating and drinking as she was nil by mouth for the first seven months. Kate drove from Sheffield to Birmingham and this is testimony to what an exceptional recovery she has made. Kate was inspired by Andy and subsequently asked if she could include his story in her next book, which is just about to be published.

Please pray that Andy gets funding from the PCT to go to Hunters Moor rehab.


  1. Wow Emma, this is just tiny pieces of God's amazing story in your lives being written. Praying that this has renewed and refreshed you both x

  2. Emma, my family and I have kept Andy in our prayers. So glad to hear of his progress and to know that God is Lord over all situations. Keep strong xx

  3. Really encouraging update. We'll be praying about the funding x
