Friday, July 06, 2012

Coming home

The discharge meeting went well and we are happy to announce that Andy is coming home!!! We will be having support with his care and his rehabilitation will continue. We are both really excited by this. Please pray that we are granted favour in the amount of therapy that is provided at home. Andy will have a standing frame at home and this will enable him to stand more often (at the moment he only manages to get into this three to four times a week). Please pray that the Continuing Health Care agrees to fund the standing frame. Andy is suffering from muscle tightness and increased spasms and this is possibly because his med's have been reduced for this. Please pray that his spasms reduce. We thank God that Andy is getting more movement in his right hand and is able to clench and release his fingers. His speech is noticeably better and, when lying flat, he can speak in sentences. This is just incredible. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Wow! What fantastic news! We're so happy for you both. Praise God, he has done great things! xx

  2. Great news Emma! We will continue to pray. All of Coventry Connect group will keep praying for you and Andy and your family.
