Thursday, December 22, 2011

Progress and prayer

Hi all
Andy has now had his trache removed and is beginning to say some words. Andy is also taking food orally and once he is able to take enough calories orally, he will be able to move to have gastric tube removed and move onto rehab. This is all miraculous and the doctors are astounded. I still have to take a step back and remind myself of the original prognosis: what God has started He will complete.

Please Pray that
Andy is able to increase his lung capacity and his breathing improves so that it is easier for him to vocalise words
Andy is able to attend carol service at hospital chapel on Christmas day.
Andy begins to regain voluntary movement in his limbs. ( He has had some movement in his right leg)
Andy is able to take enough calories and have gastric tube removed
The move to rehab goes smoothly


  1. We are greatly rejoicing with you at this latest news. It is truly amazing and we thank God for answering prayers. We so look forward to even more progress.

  2. Thanks for the update, and thanks Lord for Andy's progress. Please continue to heal him!

    Andrew Hood
