Thursday, February 21, 2013

A New Goal Achieved

We have had an encouraging couple of weeks. Andy has been doing really well at his physiotherapy at the university. Their goal for him a fortnight ago was for him to get better head control so Andy started trying being in his wheelchair without his headrest on. Andy felt that his speaking and eating were better with the headrest on but he has been really improving in these and we went out last night for a meal and he managed the whole of it without his headrest - starter, main AND dessert!!! His speech has also become more intelligible when he is upright in a chair with or without the headrest.

Valentines Day Steak
We are also encouraged by Andy's eating. Andy had the goal to be able eat steak on Valentines day and he managed this. He began eating non blended meat at Christmas and so eating a steak is a real step forward and, although we still have to be careful, he is on a much more normal diet. 

There has also been improvement in Andy's sitting balance. He has much better control when sitting on the edge of a bed and can sit for ten minutes at a time. Andy is also needing less support with getting into a standing position at hydro. Andy aims to be able to transfer without a hoist by the end of the year. Please pray into this. 

We have started hosting a monthly group which meets to pray and talk about how we can practically support Hope for Justice individually and as a church. As you know, Andy is very concerned about human trafficking and has always supported this particular charity so it is great that we can be part of this. 

Andy will be hiring the active passive bike for three months as of Tuesday this week, with a view to buying this. We hope that this will improve his spasticity and also help to regain some voluntary movement in his arms and legs. 

Psalm 66 v 10-12 
For you O God have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined...We went through fire and water, But You brought  us out to rich fulfilment. 

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