Sunday, March 10, 2013

New Purpose

Andy has had a good couple of weeks. His friend, Lynette, encouraged him to not limit himself because of his current predicament. She challenged Andy to think of things that he has always wanted to do and find out how he can go do them!!! Andy has always wanted to study Theology and wondered whether it would be possible to do a distance learning course through Regents Bible College in Malvern. We are still looking into the logistics of this but so far it is looking promising. As you know, we asked for your prayers that God would strengthen Andy's faith and so this is a good sign that prayers are being answered. 

Andy previously lectured Dentistry at Birmingham University and then went on to oversee foundation training for dentists in and around the Worcester area. He had only just completed his PGCE to teach Medicine when he had his stroke and was then awarded his certificate in June 2012. Andy is going to be doing some lecturing again! He will be speaking to the speech and language students and nurses at Birmingham City University, sharing his experience of how he learned to talk, eat and drink as well as delivering a session on oral hygiene because this part of the syllabus. This will be a video with subtitles. Watch this space

Andy also went to a conference in Telford with the men from church yesterday. This was his first time out without his carer or Emma. Below is a photo of him having lunch; he never normally eats that many vegetables!!!

Andy's core stability is improving and he sat on the edge of the bed for over an hour this week.

Andy still cannot use his hands or arms and we really need improvement in this. He is unable to use his SaeboFlx at the moment because he has has ingrown thumbnails and this has led to infection. Please pray into this.

Please continue to pray for Andy's spasms. We are still waiting on him having the test dose for the Baclofen pump and we will then be put on the waiting list. Being on such a high level of Baclofen is causing Andy to be fatigued and his spasms still aren't being managed.

You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies. Ps 23:5

This passage talks about God preparing a table in front of our enemies and not after our enemies have gone!!!Sometimes we want to wait until our problems have gone away before we think we can relax and enjoy life but God wants us to enjoy life despite them. This is something which we have been trying to apply since the last blog.

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